Relcord for Windows

Integrated Protection Coordination & Fault Calculation Software

The ultimate productivity improvement tool for protection designers and managers coordinating over-current and ground fault protection devices. It is widely used by electricity utilities, consultants, the mining industry and other industries with internal electricity networks, universities and other training institutions.

Productivity Gains
RELCORD/32 for windows saves more than 90% of the laborious, repetitive and time consuming work of costly, highly-skilled protection personnel is completed in minutes! and with RELCORD much of this work can even be carried out by less skilled and experienced staff, allowing senior people to concentrate on tasks more deserving of the attention.

Suggests Protection Settings
RELCORD/32 for windows can analyse the settings needed to achieve descrimination times nominated by the user ! and displays time-current characteristic curves on screen and can print or plot curves, setting details, etc. Contingency Analysis Protection designers can be much more thorough using RELCORD than has been previously possible. With the complete integration of protection details within a network impedance and connectivity information can be made to check the effects of changes in the network configuration on proposed – or actual – protection device settings. For example, if fault levels are changed, transformers are paralleled, a feeder is switched off, etc. This includes multiple contingencies, but all still completed within a few minutes – a fraction of the time required by conventional methods!

Operating Time Checks
Once settings have been determined (either by RELCORD, or manually), thorough testing of the proposed settings can quickly and easily be carried out. The user can nominate any type of fault (symmetrical or asymmetrical), with or without a fault/ground impedance, anywhere on the network, under any operating condition of the network, and see a report of operating times, if any, for any protection device modelled in the system.

RELCORD includes all the features of the Fault program enabling it to calculate symmetrical & asymmetrical fault currents and their distribution in the network due to short-circuits involving
  • Line to earth
  • Line-to-line or line-to-line with earth
  • Balanced 3-phase – with or without earth
  • And determine resulting network voltages.
In addition RELCORD can coordinate the settings of over-current and earth-fault protection devices, such as relays, fuses, reclosers, etc. and print or plot time-current curves of the protection devices.

  • Design protection systems
  • Determine settings and ratings of devices for coordination
  • Review protection settings after faults

Standard features include:
• All the features of Fault/32 – see separate product specification
• Calculates time and current settings for inverse-time characteristic over-current and ground fault devices, including instantaneous, definite-time and directional overcurrent relays.
• Time settings determined to coordinate protection devices to meet user specified discrimination time required.
• Reports operating time for present device settings for any type of fault nominated anywhere on the network.
• Contingency analysis-checks the effect of changes to operating condition of the network (eg Changed fault levels, circuits out of service or circuits paralleled, etc.)
• Can be used to simulate actual faults to analyse protection coordination.
• Handles radial and fully meshed networks.
• Supports coordination of reclosers and fuses with “Fuse Saving” protection philosophy for recloser fast trips.
• Assists in the setting of Distance/Impedance relays by reporting the impedance (in polar form) seen at any bud on the network for any nominated fault.
• Any protective device can have its settings manually set and made fixed
• On-screen plot-cursor coordinates displayed in time and current units
• Optional plot of time and current units so that the program cannot alter its settings but the program will attempt to coordinate other devices around these fixed settings
• Plots of protection device time-current characteristics to screen,printer or plotter with voltage base and time & current scales selected by user or,alternatively, automatically selected.
• Colour or monochrome hard copy plots.
• Other reports available include:
  • Time and current settings
  • Instantaneous settings
  • In-field setting calibration data.
• Database of protection device characteristics accessed by the program.
• Extensive library of protection device characteristics with most commonly used devices and including many templates.
• Add new device characteristics to the library, edit existing models and to manage the contents of protection device databases.
• Multiple device databases supported with a command line parameter to determine which database is loaded when the program starts.User can change databases at any time.
• Optional plot of time margin between curves
• ASCII files for network data and device data can be completely created and maintained in RELCORD or created in other applications (including Power Consultants “ViewBase” program)
• Protection device time-current characteristics representation supported:
  • Curves fitted to data points – by polynomial or cubic spline function automatically fitted to enter data points (including multi- part spline)
  • IEC/BSS formula for Standard Inverse, Very Inverse, Long Time Inverse characteristics
  • ANSI standard curves
  • User defines formula
  • Low Voltage Circuit Breakers
• Accurate representation of non-linear region of electro-mechanical relays at low current multiples/low time lever settings
• On-screen “hot graphs” – click on a graph data point and device data dialogue is displayed allowing settings to be edited – even device type changed and graph is re plotted to revise details
• Plots can include cable damage curves, motor starting curves, etc.
• On-line version of the full user guide and reference manual for help system.

Ideal Training Tool
RELCORD/32 for windows Is ideal for training protection and operation personnel, technicians and undergraduates who need to understand how protection is coordinated and how the combination of the type and location of a fault and network operating conditions – may affect discrimination times and the overall coordination of the system.

System Requirements
• IBM compatible computer with Windows XP or later
• At least the minimum memory required by the operating system
• Approximately 16mb Hard disk space
• SVGA monitor
• Printer or plotter (Colour preferred)

Program Capacity
Edition200 Node3000 Node
Line Feeders Devices2003000
Coordination Pairs2003000
Larger systems sizes may be available, by arrangement

Power Consultants Pty Limited, Locked Bag 2190, Suite 8, 79-83 Longueville Road, Lane Cove, NSW 2066