Tavrida Rec25_Al_SSline Recloser

Triple-Single or Three-Phase Gang OperatedWith Stainless Steel Mounting Kit (Compatible with SEL-651R and customized controls) ▪ 15kV and 27kV systems▪ Up to 800A continuous rated current▪ x6 voltage and x3/x6 current sensors built in(Loop Scheme Ready)▪ Magnetically actuated vacuum interrupters▪ Tested to 30,000 CO operations at full load▪ Maintenance free and light weight▪ 5-year warranty… Continue reading Tavrida Rec25_Al_SSline Recloser

Categorised as Switchgear

Power Consultants Pty Limited, Locked Bag 2190, Suite 8, 79-83 Longueville Road, Lane Cove, NSW 2066