Cyme 9 performs several types of analysis on balanced or unbalanced three-phase, two-phase and single-phase systems
that are operated in radial, looped or meshed configurations
Cyme 9 includes a full network editor, as well as:
• Unbalanced load flow
• Comprehensive fault analysis
• Load balancing
• Load allocation/estimation
• Optimal capacitor placement
The software workspace is fully customisable. The graphical representation of network components, results and reports can be built and modified to supply the level of detail needed. Innovative engineering technologies, industry practices and standards are at the core of the Cyme 9 algorithms, flexible user interface and extensive libraries.
The Cyme 9 Distribution Analysis software is a suite of applications composed of a network editor, analysis modules and user customisable model libraries from which you can choose to get the most powerful solution. The program is designed for planning studies and simulating the behavior of electrical distribution networks under different operating conditions and scenarios. It includes several built-in functions that are required for distribution network planning, operation and analysis. The analysis functions such as load flow, short-circuit, and network optimisations, are performed on balanced or unbalanced distribution network that are built with any combination of phases and configurations.
The software is also equipped with add-on modules to perform more in-depth analyses such as reliability analysis, contingency analysis, harmonic analysis, switching (tie-points) optimization, and more.
The software is also equipped with add-on modules to perform more in-depth analyses such as reliability analysis, contingency analysis, harmonic analysis, switching (tie-points) optimization, and more.
All the data resides in standard SQL tables and XML files so it can be easily populated or queried by third party applications. Cyme 9 can be interfaced with or embedded in other applications such as AM/FM/GIS system, DMS, NMS, OMS or SCADA systems and is available as a Microsoft ® Component Object Model (COM) for integration with other COM-compliant applications.
Features and Capabilities
• Power flow and voltage drop analysis
• Short-circuit analysis
• Optimal capacitor placement and sizing
• Load balancing and load allocation/estimation
• Load flow analysis with profiles
• Harmonic analysis
• Switching (tie-points) optimization
• Advanced Project Manager and Network Forecaster
• Distributed generation modeling
• Long-term dynamics analysis
• Reliability analysis (predictive and historical)
• Single contingency analysis with restoration
• Substation and sub-network modeling
• Secondary grid network analysis
• Arc flash hazard assessment
• Protective device coordination

Analytical Capabilities – Cyme 9 Core Modules
• Balanced and unbalanced voltage drop and short-circuit analyses (radial, looped or meshed)
• Protective device coordination verification according to user-defined criteria for device clearance and loading
• Fault current calculations for RMS, asymmetrical and peak values for all shunt fault configurations
• Short-circuit and fault voltage analysis throughout the network taking into account pre-fault loading conditions
• Optimal capacitor placement and sizing to minimize losses and / or improve voltage profile
• Minimum fault protection analysis
• Load balancing to minimize losses
• Load allocation/estimation using customer consumption data (kWh), distribution transformer size (connected kVA), real consumption (kVA or kW) or the REA method. The algorithm supports multiple metering units as fixed demands and large metered customers as a fixed load.
• Motor starting analysis (voltage dip and maximum motor size allowable)
• Flexible load models for uniformly distributed loads and spot loads featuring independent load mix for each section of circuit
• Load growth studies for multiple years
• Feeder interconnection for load transfer simulations
• Phase merging capability
• Automatic re-conductoring and re-phasing of multiple selected sections
• Computes load equivalents and network equivalents to ease the analysis of large networks, matching exactly the power flow and short-circuit results of the non-reduced network
• Distributed generation modeling, generator impedance estimation, grid side control and protection functions